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Rent of dump trucks in Krasnogorsk, Odintsovo and Istra districts

Benefits of renting a dump truck
Significant savings in loading and unloading operations are achieved if you order a dump truck rental for the required number of work shifts. Increased load capacity, a larger body volume compared to conventional trucks, excellent cross-country ability (our company has vehicles on off-road chassis) - this is an incomplete list of advantages that renting a dump truck in Krasnogorsk gives you.

Basically, the dump truck is used to transport bulk cargo that does not require careful unloading:
·         песчано-гравийных смесей, щебенки для производства строительных и дорожных работ;
·         дров, щепы, торфа, угля, окатышей, прочих мелкофракционных материалов used in various business areas; 
·         бытового и строительного мусора, отходов производства, грунта, остающегося после выемки excavation for the foundation of a building or leveling the relief;
·         материалов для ландшафтного дизайна: валунов, прочной плитки для укладки дорожек, turf, soil compounds for planting trees;
·         в зимний сезон – вывоз снежных масс и сколотого льда.

A large mass and a larger volume of cargo transported in one trip make the dump truck rental service extremely profitable compared to transportation by light trucks, as well as equipment that involves forced unloading with additional rental of forklifts or using non-mechanized labor.

The cost of renting a dump truck in Krasnogorsk includes
experienced driver
·       _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3d5 high maintenance
operability of the rented equipment (in case of serious breakdowns, the car is immediately replaced with an equally productive similar one).

An additional service for optimizing transportation routes, accurately calculating the required number of flights, timely replacement of equipment if necessary is a separately paid work of the dispatcher.

Rent of a dump truck in Krasnogorsk, Odintsovo and Istrinsky districts is provided by our company seven days a week, the equipment can work around the clock by agreement, the contract is drawn up for a period from one work shift to several weeks.

Submit your application online using the form provided on the website. Discounts available
·        regular customers;
·         если аренда самосвала краткосрочная;
·         в случаях, когда техника арендуется на длительный срок.

Pre-consult about the rental conditions that suit you by phone: +7(963) 789 74 24. +7 (495) 297 37 37

Аренда самосвала Красногорск
Аренда самосвала Одинцово
аренда самосвала Истра
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143405 Krasnogorsk +7(963) 789 74 24

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