Buy crushed stone in Krasnogorsk and the Krasnogorsk region
The TransStroy-M company offers all organizations and private developers to purchase crushed stone with delivery from 3 cubes in Krasnogorsk and the nearest areas (Odintsovsky, Istrinsky). At your choice a huge choice of grades of crushed stone and they are indicated in the list below. You just have to choose the material you need and call our company, CPrice is not finaldiscounts depending on the location of your object and the volume of the order.

Гравий 20-40 сеяный
Акция до 05.04.2020г.! от 1750 руб/м3

Гравий 5-20 сеяный
Акция до 05.04.2020г.! от 1650 руб/м3

Щебень известняковый 5/20
от 1700 руб/м3

Щебень известняковый 20/40
от 1700 руб/м3

Щебень известняковый 40/70
от 1750 руб/м3

Доломит 5/20
от 1800 руб/м3

Доломит 20/40
1800 руб/м3

Щебень гранитный 5/20
от 2900 руб/м3

Щебень гранитный 20/40
от 2900 руб/м3

Щебень гранитный 25/60
от 2950 руб/м3

Щебень гранитный 40/70
от 2950 руб/м3

Щебень гранитный 70/150
от 3500 руб/м3

Щебень гранитный 80/250
от 3500 руб/м3

Гранитная крошка 4/6
от 3450 руб/м3

Гранитный отсев
от 2900 руб/м3

Кварцит-малиновый 20/40
2800 руб/м3

Щебень гравийный 3/10
2000 руб/м3

Щебень гравийный мытый (др.) 5/20
1950 руб/м3

Щебень гравийный мытйы (др.) 20/40
от 1800 руб/м3

Гравий мытый 20/90
1950 руб/м3

Щебень гравийный 70/100
1950 руб/м3

Керамзит 10/20
2100 руб/м3

Асфальтная крошка
1100 руб/м3
Crushed stone is divided according to the types of rocks from which it is produced. This is how granite, limestone and gravel are distinguished.
Types of crushed stone
This material is obtained by crushing rocks. There are 3 types of it:
limestone rubble
Limestone is calcium carbonate with additives in the form of impurities. This building material was given to man by nature. The rock is crushed, sifted into fractions of different sizes, resulting in the formation of crushed limestone. The color of the quality material is light. If there are a lot of additives in it, then shades appear - from lighter - yellow to dark - brown.
This material has many advantages:
ecological cleanliness;
resistance to frost and temperature extremes;
low level of saturation with moisture;
the radioactivity of this species is much less than that of granite.
But limestone rubble is fragile. It is used as a filler for cement-based mortars when working with foundations. With its help, embankments are equipped on railway tracks. It is irreplaceable in landscaping. And small gravel of this type is used to make soda. It is easy to buy crushed limestone in Krasnogorsk - just contact our company.
Granite crushed stone
This type of crushed stone is obtained from a monolithic rock. It is undermined, and then crushed and crushed. After crushing, fractions of different sizes are formed. They are sorted and then used in construction.
This material is obtained by more than one explosive method. In quarries, large-sized slabs are produced, after which the rock is sieved and crushed stone is obtained.
Using such crushed stone in solutions, the following characteristics are obtained:
uniformity - the material is better, the less impurities it contains;
resistance to temperature changes;
density - this quality allows the material to be used in the construction of roads and foundations of construction projects;
a plane of grain in the form of a cube, providing a better fit to each other, due to which there are few voids filled with mortar;
radioactivity is checked at the initial stage of working with the deposit.
Having different properties, crushed granite is used in various areas of construction. Roads are built or sidewalks are built using medium-sized material. The same is used in the production of concrete slabs, in the construction of houses. The smaller one is used for landscaping. They also equip playgrounds for children, garden paths and more. You can order crushed granite in Krasnogorsk with delivery in our company.
gravel crushed stone
This type of crushed stone is in great demand in construction, like any other mineral material. It is low in cost, and its characteristics are distinguished by special indicators. You can order crushed gravel through the website of our company.
Gravel is mined in different places. Depending on this, it is divided into glacial, mountainous, and the one that is extracted from the bottom of lakes and other reservoirs. The mined rocks have different characteristics. Lake gravel is smooth. Mountain is not like that at all.
The advantage of crushed gravel is that its production is not associated with explosions. This significantly reduces the cost of the material. This crushed stone is also environmentally friendly, and the level of radiation is within the limits of GOST. Therefore, it is used in the construction of buildings that are subject to special requirements.
Gravel crushed stone has a huge variety of color shades. This helped him find application in landscape design.
It is also good for additives in building mixtures.
Do you want to buy crushed granite, gravel, limestone in Krasnogorsk or the Krasnogorsk region? Call!
Примеры наших работ
Называние услуги: Доставка карьерного песка 60 кубов и глины 40 кубов
Адрес объекта: г. Красногорск д. Павшино
Задача: Выравнивание и поднятие участка

Называние услуги: Доставка карьерного песка 200 кубов
Адрес объекта: Красногорский район поселок Архангельское
Задача: Выравнивание и поднятие участка

Называние услуги: Доставка мытого песка 40 кубов
Адрес объекта: Красногорский район деревня Жуковка
Задача: Подготовка участка под строительство

Называние услуги: Аренда экскаватора погрузчика
Адрес объекта: Красногорский район с. Николо-Урюпино
Задача: Землные работы

Называние услуги: Доставка мытого щебня фр. 5-20 20 кубов
Адрес объекта: Красногорский район деревня Петрово-Далнее
Задача: Строительство фундамента

Называние услуги: Доставка мытого щебня фр. 20-40 20 кубов
Адрес объекта: Красногорский район деревня д. Поздняково
Задача: Строительство фундамента

Называние услуги: Доставка плодородного грунта 15 кубов
Адрес объекта: Красногорский район деревня д. Грибаново
Задача: Благоустройство

Называние услуги: Вывоз грунта 16000 кубов
Адрес объекта: Одинцовский район п. Барвиха, территория Сады Майендорф
Задача: Копка, погрузка и вывоз грунта с утилизацией