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Buy sand in Krasnogorsk and Krasnogorsk region

Sand prices in Krasnogorsk

 *Attention prices can fluctuate both up and down depending on the location of the object.

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Often, young "builders" sculpt various sand cakes and build various castles from sand, while at the same time, real builders cannot do without it either. They build their "castles" in the form of high-rise buildings and wide roads. This material is one of the main components in many construction works. 
There are several types -career,seeded,washed medium,washed large(river). Depending on the properties and quality, the scope where it is used is determined. So what are the distinguishing features of this bulk material? In what areas is it used? Sand is divided by size into fine-grained, medium-grained and coarse-grained. For construction work, it is mined in a hydromechanized way. Also, this material is used in construction and installation works, for mixing mortars for foundation and masonry. It is mined by sifting to get rid of large stones. 
Another optionquarry sand miningopen way. In this case, the mineral deposits are under a layer of clay and soil. Extraction is carried out with the help of scrapers, bulldozers and, with a high capacity of the soil layer, also excavators. Despite the "roughness", such sand is widely used due to its low price and availability. What to choose? This material is classified into river (alluvial) and marine. From the names it is clear where and how it is mined, respectively, in riverbeds and from the bottom of the seas. Initially, the sand is washed and cleaned, and only then is it ready for use. 
Despite the fact that both species undergo a high degree of purification. The fact is that it contains a small amount of clay impurities and, therefore, the ability to pass water increases. It is the high filtration coefficient that contributes to the improvement of the quality of raw materials. In addition to construction work, sea sand is used in decoration, landscape design and, remarkably, even in treatment (psammotherapy).


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In turn, river sand is used in finishing work, mixing it with dyes to obtain a special structural coating. 

Why buy sand in Krasnogorsk from us!

 Our warehouse is located directly near Krasnogorsk; in Ilyinsky, and for your convenience, you can deliver the order even within one hour!

The price of sand is quite low in Krasnogorsk and the Krasnogorsk region, due to the fact that there are no problems with the extraction, availability and availability of this mineral. But, based on the characteristics and scope, the prices are different from each other. The price of sea sand is the highest. For a career, the price is an order of magnitude lower. It is determined by the scale of the use of this raw material in construction. Tons of sand go to laying roads, building skyscrapers and private houses.

The price of sand in the Krasnogorsk region

The cost of material mined at the mouth of the river is placed approximately in the middle of the price list for the above materials. It is due to both wide application, lower than the sea, but at the same time, the quality is higher than the quarry one. Average prices for bulk material in Krasnogorsk:

-quarry sand(Attention until 1/05/2023) from 700 rubles per m3 

- river sand from (on request)

-washed sand from 1100 rubles per m3

Sand delivery to Krasnogorsk

Delivery in the Krasnogorsk region is possible after 2 hours (of course, if the schedule of dump trucks is free), after placing an order. We usually recommend ordering a day in advance. You can pay upon arrival of the dump truck, to the driver or to the current account. For all questions, please contact our managers, they will be happy to help you. Contact 

Call +7(963) 789 74 24 , +7(495) 297 37 37

Машина песка
Карьер песка

* Density! For sand of natural origin, the bulk density is 1250–1550 kg/m3. With humidity, this indicator increases accordingly.

When a professional hears the phrase “universal additional component”, then only one association can arise in his head - sand. Due to its flowability, it has spread in such industries as:
construction of a residential building; arrangement of land plots; motorways; repairs, renovations, etc.

Sand Filtration Factor

To prepare a high-quality solution, most workers must take into account the following data: fineness modulus, clay content, bulk density, filtration coefficient. Each of these quality features affects the quality of the resulting mixture.

A coefficient is an indicator that describes the passage of water through sand. The component is measured in meters per day. The parameter is greatly influenced by various impurities and the structure of raw materials. Through clean sand, the liquid will pass much faster.
The presence of clay elements in it makes this process difficult. That is why before adding such a component to the mixture, it is purified.

For quarry sand, the coefficient ranges from 0.6 to 7 m / day, and for alluvial sand - from 1 to 10 m / day (fine fraction) and from 6 to 20 m / day (medium).

Classification of natural sand

When people order building materials, they make various mistakes. Ordering sand and not specifying what you need is one of the mistakes, because it can be different and is used to perform certain jobs. From the places of their occurrence, resources can be classified as follows:


It is mined from the bottom of the rivers. The most important differences are: the absence of microimpurities and good culvert capacity. The color of the sand grains is golden (or gray) with a size of 0.3 to 0.6 mm. It is in demand in the production of concrete, cement screed, drainage. The pluses include the lack of clay-containing components, which worsen the effectiveness of many mortar components. The disadvantages include the cost (approximately 700 r per cubic meter).


It has a yellow (brown) color. It is mined in an open way and is divided into:


Untreated, the structure contains both a significant percentage of loam and other grains.
They create preparation for base structures (foundation cushion).; washed
Extracted by washing with water (specialized equipment - a decanter), washing out all the excess; seeded
It is sifted and cleaned from large fractional parts.


Retrieved from the sea thanks to hydraulic projectiles. There are no foreign entities. This type is considered in demand and is used almost everywhere. But due to the low production, it is considered a scarce material.


This is the rarest, exotic variety of natural fossil. It arose during the course of geoprocesses (washing out of lightish parts from a heavy dark-colored mineral). It contains an impressive radioactive background.

Grades and fractions of sand

The most significant parameter that determines the scope in which the sand component will be used is strength. Strength characteristics are determined from the strength of the rock, which is the raw material basis for its manufacture. Sands are divided into brands:
M800 (corresponds to the rock of the igneous type); M400 (denotes the metamorphic nature of the rocks); M300 (sedimentary rock).

The main sign characterizing the admissibility of its use is the group, which is determined by the level of grain volume. They are divided into fractions: Dusty (particles <0.14 microns); Small (in the range of 1.5 ... 2.0 microns); Medium(2.0 - 2.5 mm); Large (2.5 - 3.0 microns); Increased size (3.0 - 3.5 microns); Very coarse (>3.5 µm).

What is the difference between sand and sandstone

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock that was formed after pressing. Its grains are closely connected by carbonate compounds. The connecting components according to the time of their appearance can be divided into syngenetic (formed at the same time as sand grains) and epigenetic (filling the void between the grains after periods of time).
There are monomineral sandstones (grains of only one mineral) and polymictic (several initial components in the composition).

What sand is suitable for the foundation

It is rather difficult to give an exact answer to this question, because everything is determined by the type of structure being built and the required technical characteristics. Self-taught builders recommend taking a quarry because it is relatively inexpensive. But you should not listen to their opinion, because. the quarry contains clay particles, and their presence in the material has a negative impact on the strength properties of the foundation as a whole. Therefore, the best option is to use medium fractional rivers.

What sand is best for masonry

For these works, it is also recommended to use river medium fractions. You can also add washed quarry to the solution, but finding a supplier who will guarantee the quality of washing is quite problematic.

Important! When mixing a solution based on river sand, its particles quickly settle.
Therefore, it is necessary to more carefully knead and not use a solution that has already stood, without prior mixing.

Наши работы

Называние услуги: Доставка карьерного песка 60 кубов и глины 40 кубов

Адрес объекта: г. Красногорск д. Павшино

Задача: Выравнивание и поднятие участка

Для ТСМ.jpg

Называние услуги: Доставка карьерного песка 200 кубов

Адрес объекта: Красногорский район поселок Архангельское

Задача: Выравнивание и поднятие участка


Называние услуги: Доставка мытого песка 40 кубов

Адрес объекта: Красногорский район деревня Жуковка

Задача: Подготовка участка под строительство

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